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Showing posts from October, 2017

The Ford-Mondeo Television Advert

The problems that advertisers face when they are making an advert for TV are that viewers can easily switch it off. Therefore, they have to make it much more interesting by trying to fit a very appealing story line into a thirty second advert. The Ford-Mondeo campaign has skilfully done this by advertising 'SAFETY', but in the format of a horror film. The people who make the advert know that when you are watching a film, you have to focus your full attention on to understand it, so they made the advert in this layout in the aim of making it short and arresting so that people watching it will pay attention in order to understand it.

NCDL promotional leaflets

Within the world of advertising, salesmen employ many different methods to persuade their readers to part with their money. These methods are more prominent in adverts put forward by the various charities and voluntary organisations. Adverts and promotional documents developed by charities differ from that of other organisations in that they have little to offer in the way of physical merchandising. They do not offer a service to the reader, nor do they provide entertainment or amusement. And yet, still they request us to fund and sponsor their activities. They ask for money, and yet it seems they offer little or nothing in return.